Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Odyssey

This is an example of books I bought because I thought I SHOULD read them, rather than actually wanting too.

Just like it took me 3 years to get around to reading 'Crime And Punishment', it'll probably take me another 3 to read this bad boy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Grand Theft Auto 2

This reminds me of the makeshift network my friend set up in our student house, almost specifically for the purpose of playing this game.

Wires everywhere, but well worth it.

I also love the 'narrator' in this game.
"Molotov cocktails"...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Diary Of The Dead

This reminds me of small movie theatres in New York City.

One member of staff and curious/eccentric viewers ahoy.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Take Off Your Pants And Jacket

Arguably the worst CD I own, although many others would dispute that my Pearl Jam collection is worse...

This reminds me of a 3 for 2 CD deal in WHSmiths back in the day. It was the 3rd and free one. It's not so bad.

Friday, March 27, 2009

One Day These Legs Won't Dance

I can't find a picture of this, so I may have to do the work myself and bust out a camera later.

This reminds me of going to see a friend of a friend's band play and thoroughly enjoying the band after them. That's not a slight on them at all, but I liked 'My Visor' better.

[P.S. I busted out the camera...]

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Colour And The Shape

Foo Fighters, the first album I ever bought, beating the 'Presidents of the United States' by a whole day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

This reminds me of taking an interest in the actions of the undead. Not enough zombies in there though.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

10'000 Days

This reminds me of Poland. A time when I was starting to listen to some new stuff, including Tool.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Writer's Block

This reminds me of my journey home on Saturday as "Young Folk's" was the only song I listened to on that trip.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Miracle Of Castel Di Sangro

The best book I've ever read about the beautiful game.

And it reminds me of summertime and reading in the sunshine.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


This reminds me of going food shopping at Iceland when I was a dirty student.

I could walk there, do the shop and walk back in the space of this album. And it's a short one too.

Good ol' Green Day.

Friday, March 20, 2009


This reminds me of why you shouldn't go to the cinema early on a Saturday evening.

Our internet isn't up to scratch, so I'm lining up the next couple of posts now too from the comfort of our local library.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I'm breaking my own rule, but it's my birthday, so I'm allowed.

This reminds me of my last and favorite birthday.

Also ghosts.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reign Of Fire

Ah, a reminder of the hardest decision ever made and my own mighty powers of persuasion.

Picture the scene: a cinema trip, people deciding to see 'The Guru' because there's nothing good. "NO!", I cry, "It'll be total cack!"

My alternative, 'Reign of Fire'...

Total cack too, and as a result I may never be allowed to influence movie choices again. But it was worth it to avoid 'The Guru'. But only just...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Razorblade Suitcase

This reminds me of the day before getting my A-level results and hanging out at a friends house.

The next day kinda sucked, but it was a fun evening.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Blackadder Goes Forth

This reminds me of my dissertation on the Vietnam War.

Because when I supposed to be writing it, I was watching this.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brian Lara International Cricket 2007

This is a reminder of how stubborn I can be.

I've been playing cricket computer games for years, and they're always crap. For some reason, computer game manufacturers can't make a even half reasonable cricket game.

But I keep playing them in hope. At least this is marginally better than EA Sport's pathetic attempts.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I used to put this on to help me sleep. I may break it out again.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rust In Peace

This album contains the first song that I ever listened too and enjoyed - 'Take No Prisoners'.

I probably just liked it because it had a swearword in it.

This reminds me of a school trip to the Isle of Wight back in the day, where I first heard that song and also first pioneered jam and sugar on toast. I was disgusting...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Italia '90 World Cup Sticker Book

Everything seems to be Italian for me recently. Italian songs in my sleep, trying to learn the language, playing Italian scrabble and AS Roma have just lost to Arsenal.

This sticker book actually reminds me of a week about 18 years after I collected the stickers for it.

A week in which a friend put me up on his couch and we spent the majority of the time talking football. Also drinking beer on his rooftop admiring the Manhattan skyline, but still talking football.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Take A Break

Appropriate title.

I got dangerously hooked on this album for a while. It reminds me of walking in New York.

Whether it's through ice pellets in Queens, a sudden downpour in Chelsea, walking to Brooklyn after a storm has knocked out the Metro or the more run of the mill walking up or down the Manhattan avenues in blazing sunshine, this album just works.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More Adventurous

To quote Tom Hanks in 'Saving Private Ryan': "No, no that one I save just for me".

Sorry. Not really in the spirit of the blog, but I feel the need to draw some sort of line today.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun

Many hours whittled away playing this bad boy. The missions kinda sucked, but the multiplayer is gold.

This reminds me of being super lazy at uni. Especially the day I was awoken at 2pm by our housing agent dude showing 3 nursing students around our flat.

My first lecture that day had been at 10am, and I think that was the same day I was 'sick' to avoid a presentation on Vietnam...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Democracy In America

This reminds me of the good deed of going to Barnes & Noble to acquire the autograph of Jonathan Carroll.

I was uber early as I didn't want to miss it, and so ended up reading this for half an hour. Seemed interesting, so I bought it too.

The autograph came with free advice - don't lose your accent. I won't JC, I won't.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Essential Johnny Cash

I never actually owned this, but have it on an MP3 player.

This reminds me of a bizarre journey home in New York, during which I helped a Turkish tourist find her way to the South Street Sea Port and listening to Johnny Cash on the Metro got me accused of being boring by drunken "Italian"-American youths.

But the best bit of the journey was in McDonald's when two young dudes, stereotypically Wall Street, ordered about thirty meals, specifying chicken, burgers, different drinks, the list went on and on. And then, just as they were about to pay, said "Oh, and two apple pies". Bloody hilarious.

Friday, March 6, 2009

NCAA Final Four

The DVD of my Kansas University Jayhawk's Championship victory in the '08 season.

Great days.

Reminds me of Atlanta airport and trying to find an outlet (plug socket) to charge a laptop to watch the second half of the final.

Also reminds me of things I have left in New York.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This actually reminds me of a joke I heard before this album even came out. A joke I liked far too much:

"What's green and spongy? A green sponge."

Looking at it, I'm not even sure it qualifies as a joke. The guy who told it to me also copied this CD onto a tape for me back in the day, hence the link.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One By One

I'm so glad I went to see the Foo Fighters, they are very good live. Not the hugest fan of their more recent stuff, but I went before they'd written a lot of it.

Also reminds me of Macclesfield, or, as I like to call it, 'The Romford of the North'.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Independence Day

This reminds me of the Xmas I got a VCR as a present. ID4 was the first thing played on it.

Best bit from this movie is when pilots are being looked for and Randy Quaid is talking about how he was abducted by aliens. Everyone reacts like this is completely impossible, nay ridiculous. But they are preparing to fight an alien invasion fleet! Hilarious. Also any bit with Julius Levinson.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Look Out, Whitey! Black Power's Gon' Get Your Mama!

This reminds me of university. Sometimes, a history essay can seem boring. If that happens to you, bust out Look Out Whitey, and force a quote into an essay, whatever you're writing about.

Anything, really. World War 2, James Bond, Civil Rights... Anything.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

I love this show. And it reminds me of an apartment in Brooklyn and along with it, furniture salvaged from a house round the block.

The episode where Dennis and Dee go on welfare, may be the funniest episode of any show ever. Ever.